You ordered your healy!

Ah, beautiful! You dove in! My heart is so full for the transformation that awaits you and your loved ones. Healy has expanded me beyond measure and I cannot wait to see what unfolds for you on your Healy journey.

This journey is highly personal and the below is a simple guide that points you to resources and shares some of what has been helpful to me and others. Always first follow the thread your own intuition.

I am available to you as a resource and guide throughout your Healy explorations, as is the person through whom you’ve connected in with Healy, but below contains all you need to know to get started on your own.

If you run in to any sticking points, don’t hesitate to reach out!

frequency for the future

preparing for use

Download APPS

On your smart phone, download the following apps:

  • Healy 2 App (Pink App) — for all Healy models

    • This app houses the individualized micro current frequency programs for Healy and MagHealy

  • HealAdvisor Analyze App (Blue App) — for the Resonance, Resonance Plus & Professional Models

    • The app houses the Resonance Analysis, Aura Analysis and Coaching Analysis modules.. The Coaching Analysis comes with. the Professional and is available for to add on / purchase with the Resonance.


When you first receive your Healy, unbox it and charge it for a few hours. After you’ve downloaded the aforementioned Healy apps on your smart phone, then watch the below linked Get Started Healy Video. It can be nice to set aside some time after charging to sit down with the video and the Healy so you can follow along step by step. The video is about an hour long and well worth devoting the time to as it will answer the large majority of your questions.

Getting Started

Healy will send you a welcome email after you purchase. Be sure to read through it carefully and follow the links to learn about your new frequency device. 

Our team created the below linked easy-to-follow onboarding series to show you how to use your Healy. It's free, you just need to create an account. The short videos will teach you everything you need to know. 

The Healy Hub

first use & Beyond

water & Intention as pathways

Preparing your body to hold these powerful frequencies is key. Water and intention are the two most powerful ways you can support your experience. Keeping hydrated is crucial to the body’s ability to receive these frequencies both as you begin and throughout your use of the Healy. Intention also creates a focused pathway for the frequency to land in us so I welcome you to ground your energy with a few conscious breaths or a simple somatic practice and set an intention in the form of a positive affirmation (I am well resourced, I attract miracles in to my life, etc.) before starting your MagHealy app (micro current or coil application) programs or running any scans or sending vibration in the blue dot app.

first 2 weeks - a golden welcome

To gently prepare your body you can start your Healy journey with your first micro current program as “Pure” in the Gold Frequencies programs. After that, using the Gold Frequencies that come up as resonant in your scan or that intuitively feel right for the first week or two can create a beautiful baseline for your body.

Releasing Expectations

Everyone’s experience with Healy is different. There is no standard timeline by which you should feel a certain way. We all attract this frequency medicine to our lives at different times and from different vibrational baselines. This is an invitation to become finely attuned to your own inner rhythms and patterns and to release the need for a specific outcome in a specific time. Stay open to miracles, but stay anchored in your intention, your water body and your consistent inner listening and allow Healy to support your holistic well being outside of, in and over time.

daily usage FAQs

During normal use, you do not want to do more than 3 microcurrent programs in a day. When you are beginning, I suggest starting with just one individualized microcurrent frequency (IMF) program per day and vibrate as desired in the blue dot (using resonance, coaching or aura modules) app. I love the gem elixirs and flower remedies as gentle supports in the blue dot app.

If you ordered the coil, this can be used throughout the day, as well. Allow yourself to become attuned to how your body responds to integrating additional programs even if you are using the coil. While this method of delivering frequency is weaving with your electromagnetic body rather than your molecular body directly, it can create powerful physical shifts so go slow!

The percentage of microcurrent that is appropriate varies from person to person. My recommendation is to start low, around 15-20% and increase from there if you feel like more. 

Some are quite sensitive and need to start even lower and slower — use your discretion and track how you feel and work with what comes up. More is not better especially at the start of your journey. With the blue dot app, less is also more. The shorter durations are quite powerfully delivering large packets of information.

In the case that you also need to start with the micro-current low, don't worry about the prompt in th app that indicates the current is not measurable until you're able to turn it up. 

Always let your body lead you.

Sharing Healy

If you signed up as an Independent Healy World Member then you are able to share Healy with others and earn a commission! Hop on over to the team page here. If you didn’t sign up as a member (no cost or additional investment) and want to share, you can change your status from customer to member by submitting a support ticket. Many people have earned back the cost of their Healy by sharing their experience with their friends, family and contacts. If you are curious about exploring how Healy can support your flow of financial abundance, reach out to the person that you purchased your Healy from and they can connect you in. The community is one of the things I treasure most. There is no cost to becoming a Member only opportunity to earn generously.

additional Notes

With all energy/frequency, practice discretion, While you are resourced and supported (message me or your Healy connection anytime in the way you first connected), this journey is yours alone. Here are some things that others have shared or that I have experienced as useful.

Mind the body - “detox” symptoms

Look out for detox-like symptoms like dehydration, headache, etc. when using Healy programs, especially the direct microcurrent— if you experience these symptoms, hydrate, rest and take a magnesium bath if that calls to you. This does not actually indicate detox but rather is an invitation to slow down, reduce use of the IMF programs and/or lowering the percentage would be useful as your body gets used to these powerful frequencies. As noted before, some people just prefer running only one program a day or running the programs really low.

Staying well hydrated for both the vibration and micro current features greatly aided my body’s ability to take in these new frequencies. Drink lots of nourishing fluids!

General nervous system support

Many of us are looking to support regulation of our nervous systems and I have found that all of the frequencies contribute to my harmonic alignment in a really beautiful way. I find that a blend of intuitive scanning and trusting the recommended result has supported my resolution of issues best and in a beautifully non-linear way. There is truly no program that doesn't support overall nervous system capacity.

supporting a specific issue to resolution

If you purchased Healy to ease pain or to support the resolve of a specific issue I recommend introducing the issue specific programs after your first two weeks and running daily. The majority of these programs require direct electrode application to affected area. Play with the scan and run the recommended pain program. I found great change in my migraines over time and when actively experiencing the onset of pain by running the sometimes seemingly unrelated pain program that came up in the scan as most resonant. If you don’t have the resonance scan follow your own inner guidance to chose the best program. See the linked program list below. .

It can be tempting to run the resonance scan and run different programs everyday and that can be beautiful, but by getting consistent with using your Healy everyday and running the program for the thing you most want to shift for a 2 week duration can be highly supportive and accelerate your resolution. See the sample daily schedules below as a reference for how I fold frequency in to my day.

Some people are really energized by the sleep IMF programs so while it may feel intuitive to run before bed, you might prioritize running them in the afternoon to allow a window for integration before bed.

You can add custom programs from other Time Waver practitioners and create your own! See links below.

Reading the analyses + Program Names

The scans can turn up potentially uncomfortable aspects of your shadow, specifically the Aura Analysis (negative relevancies), Creative Homeopathy and I-Ching, even sometimes the flower and gem remedies. Ensure you are in a space that you are willing to alchemize darker aspects and be discerning when running these scans on others.

Programs are named in a way that attempts to capture something unnamable. There are no words in the quantum. The quantum exists beyond language as we conceive of it. So our attempts to name programs are provisional. This being said, you may see scans turn up “menopause” for younger women or men and that’s okay and nothing to worry about. It will just indicate that the frequency would be harmonizing to their system.

I rarely read the results of the scans anymore and just prepare to receive the frequencies. We often invite mind in to engage when it’s not needed to invite in more harmony. In fact, when I engage my mental function by reading a scan especially when I am feeling out of balance I find that the mental analysis can further the feeling that “something’s wrong” rather than support me in finding coherence. So use discretion when engaging with the scan data for yourself and others.


Do not run scans on others without informed consent. This tool can feel fun and light and it is but a level of reverence is required in its use with others. We are entering someone’s biofield and consent, intention and congruence are key to remaining in integrity with natural law.


  • Morning — run a Healy Aura Scan — vibrate frequencies in to field in the blue app (if there are multiple centers of depletion — low numbers— I will run the vibrate function for a longer duration. Then I pop over to the pink app and run the Chakra IMF program for my lowest energy center or next to lowest if that feels more resonant with life themes and needed support.

  • Midday — run your daily pain program or other pink app IMF program for the issue you are most keen to resolve.

  • Afternoon — this is typically when I will scan the kids and the dog and send them some harmonizing frequency with the aura analysis, or whatever program feels most resonant.

  • Early Evening — run a Healy scan of All Healy Programs, then refine your search by running another scan of the program set that came up in the initial scan with the highest resonance. Vibrate the frequencies for the time that feels right to you, then pop over to the pink app and run the top IMF program

  • Before Bed — run a scan of Alaskan Gem Elixirs, Australian Bush Flowers, Bach Flower Remedies, Schuessler Salts, I-Ching or Vital Substances. Alaskan Gem Elixirs are my favorite for protective dreams. I like to run a scan and vibrate frequencies of the aforementioned on myself on the kids as needed, throughout the day, as well.

resources + Support

Program Descriptions

Frequency Program List with Descriptions

digital nutrition mixtures

Healy & Quantum Science

Evolve with Healy Youtube

Explaining Energy, Frequency, Vibrations, and the Quantum Field

Healy, The Human Energy Field, The Endocannabinoid System, and The Liquid Crystals of The Body

Marcus Explains the Science Behind the Frequency Device

Science Meets Spirituality - Interview with Healy Founder Marcus Schmieke

Healy COil

Shorter Coil Training

Marcus Explains how the Coil Works

Resonance, AUra & Coaching Module Trainings

Setting up a New Client Training

Resonance analysis training

Aura Scan Training 

Coaching Module training

Facebook Support & Experience Groups

Frequency Experience Facebook

Evolve with Healy Facebook

Magic Frequencies Facebook 

Special topics & Uses

Beauty Biokacking with Healy

REMOTE Sessions

Distance Session Training PDF by Robyn @Empathic_Mamahood

Expert programs& time waver practitioners

Brid Hanlon Fibromyalgia Program

Brid Hanlon CV Program

Derek Nakamura Quantum Leap Program

Doc Steve Goddess Program - Email Doc Steve at:

School of frequency

Cheat codes 1&2

With Dr Michele Patrick and Taryn Lee

source not symptom overview and introduction




gut and bowel

emotional and mental

Fire - heart small intestine pericardium

Earth - stomach / spleen

metal - lung / large intestine

water - kidney/bladder

wood - liver / gallbladder

Shen - clear thought / consciousness

Yi - clear ideation / intention

Po - animal instinct / intuition

Zhi - willpower and heroism

Hun - clear vision / imagination

final session Q&A’s

Make it stand out.

may our peaceful prosperity bless us, our posterity and the planet at this pivotal time in human history