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Behold. be Held.



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As mothers, lovers and leaders, our identities are multiple and woven together across time and space. This overlap. can flow with luscious ease, at times. In others, our experience of ourselves within our layered lives is marked with womb deep grief, simmering rage, and contracted, heart-splitting resentment.

TEMPLE MA maps an inner sanctum by which all may behold, and be held by, the Great Mother. Allow yourself to recognize and respond to your deep, inner yearning to be seen, witnessed, heard, and held in the bigness of it all—We weren't made to walk in isolation through the forging of our feminine path.

This is your invitation to remember who you are. Integrate these initiations and seemingly incompatible aspects of self to embody your true purpose and set out with ease and peaceful radiance on your golden path as a new earth mother, lover, and leader . Through co-generative, organic embodiment tech, transformational self-healing modalities, MA womb teachings, and body prayers, you will activate and sustain awakened empowerment, and experience yourself as a flow of loving awareness.

At whatever threshold of transition, in all seasons of womanhood, conscious witnessing and the mature MA guidance of an/other wise women can make all the difference.

This is your moment to integrate and elevate with ease.. Answer the call.


doorways to divinity

portals of transformation

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Business + Leadership


Alchemize your unique insights, identities, and experiences to actuate your life’s calling. Remove barriers to your highest experience of self, build a sustainable living architecture to anchor your expansion, and activate your potential by identifying and aligning your passion, purpose and prosperity. Birth a new career path or business in radical authenticity for accelerated success in the Aquarian Age. Or, reparent and revitalize an existing enterprise by identifying your energy leaks, and establishing clear systems to support your work as an easeful extension of your being. Access new pathways of embodied knowing that will unlock the mystery of your true purpose on the planet. Link up this purpose with the prosperity frequency and build the psychic and nervous system architecture to sustain the frequency of success.

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Pregnancy + Birth + MotherING

exalted. ecstatic. EMbodied.

Elevate your experience of the most tender and potent transitions of womanhood, through allowing yourself to be supported and witnessed. Feel /Be held through each season of surrender, be it consciously conceiving or releasing, preparing for an embodied, wild pregnancy, ecstatic freebirth or integrating the initiation of motherhood. Through the offering of a sacred rites of passage, postpartum nurturance, throat/heart/womb integration, birth trauma and birth story listening, we will travel together in reverent awe. Come along on a comprehensive journey that includes alluring but accessible and deeply enjoyable sacred somatics for inner peace, authentic widwifery wisdom and ancient women’s practices for renewal and establishment of sustainable balance. You will be held and deeply supported/nourished in sacred witnessing through your energetic and exalted expansion.

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inner Intimacy + relationship


Open sustainable and peaceful pathways to the experience of your your most vitalized and vibrant self. Connect to your feminine oracle and dip into your deep internal well of embodied presence to resource more joy, more flow and more pleasure in life, love and relationship. Learn applied and elevating feminine practices to clear traumas that are keeping you stuck, dissolve relational resentments, remove blockages to your most effective expression. and open new portals of potency.. Experience instant and sustained shifts in your access to grace and ease and move towards living as an embodied clearing from which to materialize your dreams from a place of clarity, certainty, and coherence. Experience an inner understanding and integrated harmony of masculine/feminine polarity and learn how to leverage these insights to innerstand yourself in relationship. Integrate real tools to be in relationship to self, world and other, with erotic innocence, ecstatic embodiment, and to evoke from your inner/outer complement, your/their masculine/feminine in a dance of perfect proportion to your own.


mother lover leader

cosmic Creator

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enter the temple

mailing list: receive Ma Transmissions

Meet Alyssa

MA, ICEC, Mother, lover, leader


Welcome to this temple space! I’m alyssa and I’m so pleased you’re here.

I come to this work through a spiral path, through the deep pain of postpartum self-abandonment and the wildfire of my three births. In the golden window after birth and beyond, I found myself leveled by the splitting open of self and the flood of unasked for access to deeply painful embodied feminine ancestral knowing.. The dense reality of navigating this sacred rite of passage from maiden to mother, void of sacred community, even having studied and practiced yoga and mediation and other holistic modalities for more than a decade prior, awakened me to the necessity of women gathering and witnessing one another in supportive, sacred community.

Through allowing in the energy of mentorship by other mothers and wise women and persistently showing up for myself and in circle to honor my sacred pain, I began to open to the ever-present alchemy of self available through the intense energetics of my dark night of the soul. Through this ongoing dissolving of inner discord, I am anchored in my soul purpose to serve women at this pivotal time on the planet and to aid in the restoration of how we birth, not only our babies but ourselves in deep self trust and organic awareness of our true love natures.